User’s manual NAVIGON 92 Plus | 92 Premium
Handsfree Module - 89 -
Note: The exact designation of this setting may vary from manufacturer
to manufacturer. For details please refer to the manual issued for your
mobile phone.
► If you want to set up a connection to a headset, make sure that it is
switched on.
1. Make sure that Bluetooth is activated on your navigation device.
► If you want to connect to a mobile phone, make sure that Bluetooth
is activated on the mobile phone and that the Discoverable by
Others and Others May Connect settings are activated.
Note: The exact designation of these settings may vary from
manufacturer to manufacturer. For details please refer to the manual
issued for your mobile phone.
► If you want to connect to a headset, make sure that the headset is
switched on.
Connecting manually
If a Bluetooth connection to a device is active, you must disconnect this
connection first before you can connect to a different device. The
existing connection is disconnected automatically as soon as the
connection to a different device is initiated.
2. In the H
ANDSFREE MODULE window tap on (Trusted Devices).
The TRUSTED DEVICES window opens. Currently connected devices
are marked with a green symbol to the right of their name. Devices
which are not connected have white symbols.
3. Please ensure that the Bluetooth connection is working properly.
► Tap on the (Connect) symbol in order to initiate a
connection to the corresponding headset. All active connections
to other devices will then be disconnected.
► Tap on the (Connect) symbol to connect the corresponding
mobile phone as "Phone 1". The connection to a headset or to
a device which is already connected as Phone 1 will be
► Tap on the (Connect) symbol to connect the corresponding
mobile phone as "Phone 2". The connection to a headset or to
a device which is already connected as Phone 2 will be
The corresponding symbol will turn green. The navigation device
connects to the selected device.
4. Tap on OK to return to the H