Document Title: 44
User’s Manual for the GPS Orion-S/-HD Receiver
Document No. Issue 1.0
GTN-MAN-0110 June 22, 2003
DLR/GSOCNo part of this document shall be reproduced in any form or disclosed to third parties without prior authorization.
4.5 Output Messages (NMEA Format)
4.5.1 $PASHR,POS Navigation Data
The $PASHR,POS sentence provides the position and velocity fix as well as the satellite
tracking status. The following specification describes only those fields supported by the Orion
GPS receiver implementation of the $PASHR,POS message.
If a 3-D navigation fix has been achieved the following sentences is sent out:
Quantity Format Units # of Chars Range
Sentence identifier CCCCC 5 'PASHR'
single comma C 1 ','
Secondary identifier CCC 3 'POS'
single comma C 1 ','
Raw/differential position C (see note 1) 1 '0' or ‘1’
single comma C 1 ','
Satellites used in Nav fix XX 2 00 -> 12
single comma C 1 ','
UTC (time) of position h = hours (int)
m = minutes (int)
s = seconds (float)
9 000000.00 to
single comma C 1 ','
Latitude ddmm.mmmmm d = degree (int)
m = minutes (float)
10 0000.00000 to
single comma C 1 ','
Latitude Direction C 1 'N' or 'S'
single comma C 1 ','
Longitude dddmm.mmmmm d = degree (int)
m = minutes (float)
11 00000.00000 to
single comma C 1 ','
Longitude Direction C 1 'E' or 'W'
single comma C 1 ','
Altitude above/below WGS84
Earth ellipsoid
±FFFFF.FF (see note 2) 9
two commas CC 2 ',,'
Heading FFF.FF degrees 6 000.00 -> 359.99
single comma C 1 ','
Speed over ground FFF.FF knots 6 000.00 -> 999.99
single comma C 1 ','
Rate of climb ±FFF.FF m/s 7 -999.99 -> 999.99
single comma C 1 ','
PDPO FF.F 4 0 -> 99.9
four commas CCCC 4 ',,,,'
S/W Config Code CCCC 4 'xxxx'
Nominal number of characters (including sentence header and trailer) = 97 + 6 = 103. In
sounding rocket applications a typical message length of 105 characters is achieved.
1) Raw/differential position 0 = Position is not differentially corrected
1 = Position is differentially corrected with RTCM format
2) Data field is extended by one character for altitudes above 100km.
3) Data field is extended by one character for vertical velocities above 1000m/s.