Route guidance
Example of a traffic situation with voice
1 “Prepare to turn right” (advance notice)
2 “Turn right after 250 feet”
3 “Please, turn next right”
Manual recall of the current voice instruc-
̈ Press left-hand rotary/push-button v.
Advance notice of right turn
4 Name of the street you are to turn onto
5 Arrow indicating driving direction
6 Name of the street you are travelling on
7 Distance in miles to right turn
Just before a right turn
8 Name of the street you will to turn onto
9 Right-turn arrow
10 Name of the street you are now driving
11 Distance graph to turning point, redu-
ces as you approach the intersection
Turning onto a street
As you approach a junction or inter-
change (e.g. I-695), COMAND will advi-
se you the direction of travel to follow
(e.g. North) as well as the name of the
In special situations, e.g. when turning
quickly several times in succession,
there may be deviations in the accuracy
of the voice instructions.