
Magellan NAV 6500/NAV 651036
replace a waypoint. Press ENTER, then press the Txt Edit
If you wish to replace a waypoint in the active
route, simply press Route, Edit, Txt Edit softkeys.
Use the CURSOR KEY to highlight the waypoint you wish
to replace and press ENTER.
The waypoint list appears.
Select the waypoint you wish to use to replace the one you
highlighted and press ENTER.
The waypoint you select in the waypoint list replaces the
one you highlighted in the route.
If the list is very long, you may access the Find
Waypoint function in this list by pressing the right
arrow on the CURSOR KEY.
Activating a Leg of a Route
From any root screen, press the Routes, List, and use the
CURSOR KEY to select the route in which you wish to
activate a leg. Press ENTER, then press the Txt Edit softkey.
If you wish to activate a leg in the active route,
simply press Route, Edit, Txt Edit softkeys.
Use the CURSOR KEY to highlight the destination
waypoint of the leg you wish to activate in the route.
Press the Activte softkey.
If a leg is activated, an arrow appears next to the leg and
Active appears on the right of the header window.
The Activte softkey then changes to Deactiv.
Activating a leg of an inactive route automatically activates
the route itself. Any multi-leg route which was previously ac-
tive is deactivated.
To deactivate the route you can use the Deactiv
softkey that appears on the Txt Edit screen or the
Routes List screen.
Routes List
Highlight waypoint
to activate