Place the electrolyte container upside down
with the six sealed cells into the filler ports
of the battery. Hold the container level, push
down to break the seals of all six cells. You
will see air bubbles rising into each cell as the
ports fill.
żDo not tilt the electrolyte container.
Check the electrolyte flow.
If no air bubbles [A] are coming up from the
ller ports, or if the container cells have not
emptied completely, tap the container [B] a
few times.
Keep the container in place for 20 minutes or
more. Don’t remove the container from the
battery until it’s empty, the battery requires all
the electrolyte from the container for proper
Removal of the container before it is
completely empty can shorten the ser-
vice life of the battery. Do not remove
the electrolyte container until it is com-
pletely empty and 20 minutes have
Gently remove the container from the battery.
Let the battery sit for 30 minutes prior to
charging to allow the electrolyte to permeate
into the plates for optimum performance.
żCharging the battery immediately after filling
can sho
rten service life. Let the battery sit for
at least 30 minutes after filling.
Initial Charge
the strip of caps [A] loosely over the
filler ports.
ly activated sealed batteries require an
initial charge.
Standard Charge: 1.2 A × 5
10 hours
If using a recommended battery charger, fol-
low the charger’s instructions for newly acti-
Kawasaki-recommended chargers:
Optimate III
Yuasa 1.5 Amp Automatic Charger
Battery Mate 150-9
If the above chargers are not available, use
equivalent one.
żCharging rates will vary depending on how
long the battery has been stored, tempera-
ture, and the type of charger used. Let battery
sit 30 minutes after initial charge, then check
voltage using a voltmeter. If it is not at least
12.6 volts, repeat charging cycle.
After charging is completed, press down
firmly with both hands to seat the strip of
caps [A] into the battery (don’t pound or ham-
mer). When properly installed, the strip of the
caps will be level with the top of the battery.