Weather-Protected II motor construction
is shown in Figure 2. This enclosure is
characterized by additional protection at
the air inlet and outlet passages and by
gaskets, drains, and other features to
make it suitable for use outdoors in severe
climates. Filters can be supplied for the
air-inlet openings. When used, they
should be cleaned periodically, since
clogged filters restrict the amount of
cooling air and cause the motor to over-
heat. Gages are sometimes used to meas-
ure the pressure drop across the filter and
thus indicate its condition. Filters should
be cleaned when the gage reads over 0.4”
of water.
Each motor should be carefully examined
when received and a claim filed with the
carrier for any damage. The nearest office
of the General Electric Company may of-
fer guidance.
The motor should be lifted by
the lugs provided. These lugs
are intended for lifting the mo-
tor only and must not be used
to lift any additional weight. Be
careful not to touch overhead
equipment. Failure to observe this warning
may result in personal injury or death.
If the motor is not to be installed immedi-
ately, it should be stored in a clean, dry
location. Precautions should be taken to
prevent the entrance of moisture, dust, or
dirt during storage and installation. Pre-
cautions are taken by the factory to guard
against corrosion. The machined parts are
slushed to prevent rust during shipment.
Examine the parts carefully for rust and
moisture, if the equipment is to be stored,
and re-slush where necessary.
Motors are shipped without oil in the
bearing reservoirs. An oil film remains on
the bearings, but if the storage period is to
exceed three months, the reservoirs
should be filled. It is suggested that such
oil-filled motors be conspicuously tagged
in order to prevent mishandling, which
would cause oil spillage and subsequent
damage to the internal parts of the motor.
When filling for storage, fill to the maxi-
mum level shown on the gage or ap-
proximately ½” over the mark showing
the standstill level. Before operating the
motor, drain this oil and refill with fresh
See instructions under RELUBRI-
CATION for oil recommendations.
During storage, windings should be pro-
tected from excessive moisture absorption
by some safe and reliable method of
heating. Space heaters, if supplied, may
be used for this purpose. The temperature
of the windings should always be main-
tained a few degrees above the tempera-
ture of the surrounding air. It is recom-
mended that motors in storage be in-
spected, the windings meggered, and a
log of pertinent data kept. Any significant
decrease in insulation resistance should
be investigated.
If a motor is to be in storage for over one
year, it is recommended that competent
technical inspection service be obtained
to ensure that the storage has been ade-
quate and that the motor is suitable for
service. Contact your nearest General
Electric Sales office to arrange for in-
spection service.
A. Unpacking
If the machine or machine parts have
been exposed to low temperature, unpack
it only after it has reached the temperature
of the room in which it will be unpacked
or located; otherwise sweating will occur.