Setting up the PRIMECENTER Rack
© cognitas. Gesellschft für Technik-Dokumentation mbH 2011 Pfad: O:\FTS\PRIMERGY-HW\Rack\PCR-M1-Rack\Manuals\User Manual\02_work\pcr-m1-rack-um-en\pcrm1-rack-um-en.k04
4.5 Opening the rack door
The door of the rack has to be opened carefully as described below:
Figure 6: Opening the rack door
1. Turn the key clockwise as far as it will go (1).
2. Grasp the green marked grip and swivel it in the direction of the arrow (2).
Closing the rack door proceeds in reverse order.
I A description to convert the door can be found in chapter "Appendix" on
page 109