Liquids—for Reynolds Numbers over 20,000
Gas and Steam—
for Reynolds Numbers over 15,000
As the Reynolds number decreases below the stated limit to 10,000, the
positive limit of the accuracy error band will increase to 2.1% (e.g.,
+2.1% to –0.65% for liquids).
±0.1% of rate over one year.
Process Temperature Effect Automatic K-factor correction with user-entered process temperature.
Table 13 indicates the percent change in K-factor per 100 °F (50 °C) in
process temperature from reference temperature of 77 °F (25 °C) (for
direct pulse) or user-entered process temperature.
Ambient Temperature Effect No effect.
Digital and Pulse Output
±0.65% of rate.
Analog Output
Same as pulse output plus an additional
0.025% of span.
Digital and Pulse Output
±1.35% of rate.
Analog Output
Same as pulse output plus an additional
0.025% of span.
Accuracy limitations:
- for
/2- and 1-in. (DN 15 and DN 25):
max velocity of 220 ft/s (67.06 m/s)
- for Dual-style meters (all sizes):
max velocity of 100 ft/s (30.5 m/s)
TABLE 8-9. Process Temperature Effect.
Percent Change in
K-Factor per
100 °F (50 °C)
316L @ < 77 °F (25 °C) +0.23 (+0.20)
316L @ > 77 °F (25 °C) –0.27 (–0.24)
Hastelloy C
@ < 77 °F (25 °C) +0.22 (+0.20)
Hastelloy C
@ > 77 °F (25 °C) –0.22 (–0.20)