Rosemount Model 8800C Vortex Flowmeter with FOUNDATION
Detach the Meter Adapter
The above instructions will provide access to the meter body. Use the
following steps if it is necessary to remove the coaxial cable:
1. Loosen the two screws that hold the union onto the meter adapter
and pull the union away from the adapter.
2. Loosen and remove the coaxial cable nut from the other end
of the union.
3. Loosen the conduit adapter or cable gland from the
meter adapter.
Attach the Meter Adapter
1. If you are using a conduit adapter or cable gland, slide it over the
plain end of the coaxial cable (the end without a ground wire).
2. Slide the meter adapter over the coaxial cable end.
3. Use a
/16-inch open end wrench to securely tighten the coaxial
cable nut onto one end of the union.
4. Place the union onto the two screws extending out of the meter
adapter and tighten the two screws.
Connect the Coaxial Cable at the Meter
1. Pull the sensor cable out of the support tube slightly and securely
tighten the sensor cable nut onto the union.
Do not stretch the sensor cable over 1.5 inches (40 mm) beyond the top
of the support tube. Damage to the sensor may occur if the sensor cable
is stressed.
2. Place the meter adapter into the top of the support tube and line
up the screw holes.
3. Use a hex wrench to turn the three adapter screws outward to
engage the support tube.
4. Replace the access cover on the support tube.
5. Tighten the conduit adapter or cable gland into the
meter adapter.