
N.I.C.E. P200
Using contact information
You manage contact information using your
computer’s contact management software.
1. Create a contact on your computer.
For specific steps, see your computer software.
2. Save the address you created as a vCard file
3. Copy all .vcf files (one per contact) from the
computer to the Contacts folder on the N.I.C.E.
P200. See “Copying files from your computer”
on page 79.
Viewing contact information
1. On the main menu, tap the UTILITY icon
followed by CONTACTS.
The N.I.C.E. P200 pauses to load the contact
information and displays the first contact.
Contact list
2. Tap a contact name.
The N.I.C.E. P200 displays the first page of
contact information.
3. Tap Next to view three pages of information.
Contact name and phone Page scroll buttons