Chapter 1: Quick Start
Frequently-asked questions
The questions in this section are often asked by
people who are learning to use N.I.C.E. P200. For
troubleshooting help, see “Troubleshooting” on
page 113.
Navigation questions
Can I review the planned route without actually
driving it?
• Yes. In Setup, Navigation Preferences, tap
Simulation Off to change it to Simulation On.
When you define your destination, the
N.I.C.E. P200 simulates the route indepen-
dent of the GPS.
I don’t like to drive on freeways (interstates).
Can the N.I.C.E. P200 calculate a route without
going on the freeway?
• Yes. In Setup, Navigation Preferences, tap
Avoid Freeway No to change it to Avoid Free-
way Yes.
I don’t like toll roads. Can the N.I.C.E. P200
calculate a route that avoids toll roads?
• Yes. In Setup, Navigation Preferences, tap
Toll Yes to change it to Toll No.
Can the N.I.C.E. P200 calculate a route that may
be a little out of the way, but that may save time?
• N.I.C.E. P200 assumes that going by inter-
state is faster than going by normal roads. In
Setup, Navigation Preferences, change Short-
est Distance to Shortest Time and the
N.I.C.E. P200 will route you via interstate if
one is nearby.
Can I get rid of all the information buttons so I
can see more of the map?
• Yes. While navigating, tap the touch screen
on and off button below the scale icon. This