Chapter 18 Maintenance Screens
Media Server User’s Guide
Power On
Select this option to keep the NSA operating as much of the time as possible. The NSA
restarts automatically even if it was turned off when the power failed.
Power Off
Select this option to keep the NSA from automatically restarting when the power is
restored after a power failure. This is a computer’s “traditional” behavior. Select this if you
have other servers such as a domain controller or DNS server that you want to start or
check after a power failure before the NSA turns on.
Power On/Off Schedule
Enable Power
Control Schedule
Select this option to have the NSA turn itself off and on or reboot according to the
schedules you configured.
Click Edit to go to the screen where you can configure the power control schedules.
Refer to Section 18.3.2 on page 322 for this screen.
Note: This feature is not supported on NSA310.
Enable Wake On
Enable Wake On LAN to be able to turn on the NSA through its wired Ethernet connection.
You must have a computer or router on your LAN that supports sending Wake On LAN
“magic packets” to turn on the NSA.
To use Wake On LAN from a computer on your LAN, install a program such as Wake On LAN
EX or another Wake On LAN program that supports sending magic packets.
You can use Wake On LAN from a remote location if the router in front of the NSA supports
sending magic packets.
Use the NSA’s power button or the Web Configurator’s Maintenance > Shutdown menu
to turn off the NSA.
Apply Click this to save your changes.
Reset Click this to restore previously saved settings.
Table 111 Maintenance > Power (continued)