Chapter 10 Applications
Media Server User’s Guide
10.7 The Web Publishing Screen
Use this screen to turn web publishing on or off and select shares to publish. Click Applications >
Web Publishing to open the following screen.
Figure 114 Applications > Web Publishing
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Priority Use this field to set the priority for downloading the task.
Select Auto to have the NSA automatically determine the task’s priority.
Select High to have the NSA download this file before the other files.
Comment Enter a description for this task. Click Apply to save the description.
Start Time This field displays when the NSA started to download files.
Completed on This field displays when the file was successfully downloaded to the NSA.
Info-Hash This information is used to verify the torrent file.
Tracker This field displays the tracker that NSA is currently connected to. A tracker is a server
used for finding peers sharing the file.
Close Click this to close the screen.
Table 48 Applications > Download Service > Task Info
Table 49 Applications > Web Publishing
Web Publishing
Disable / Enable
Web Publishing
Turn on web publishing to let people access files in the published shares using a web
browser, without having to log into the Home screens.
Support HTTPS Select this to allow users to use web browser security for connections to the web-
published shares. In order to use secured connections users must use “https://” in the
NSA’s web address and install the NSA’s public key certificate.