Chapter 11 Package Management
Media Server User’s Guide
11.11.2 Restore: Step 2
Select a previous archive backup that you want to restore to the NSA.
Figure 169 Protect > Restore: Step 2
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Browse Click this to select where the previous backup that you want to restore is located.
• Volume - Select a volume from the list.
• Current Location - This is the location of the selected folder.
• Type - This identifies the item as a file or folder.
• Name - This is the name of the folder/file.
Click Apply to save your settings and Cancel to close the screen.
Next Click this to go to the next screen.
Table 86 Protect > Restore: Step 1
Table 87 Protect > Restore: Step 2
Step 2. Select
Restore Point
If you selected Remote NSA for the backup you want to restore, you can see a list of all the
backups you performed in the Job Name table.
If you selected Internal or External Volume for the backup you want to restore, you can
see a list of restore times for the backups you performed in the Restored Time table.
Job Name Select a previous backup job in the list that you want to restore to your NSA. Once you
choose a job name, all available restore times for that backup job shows in the Restored
Time table.