Chapter 11 Package Management
Media Server User’s Guide
11.5.7 Preferences
Use this screen to configure your eMule settings, such as port numbers to use, its download/upload
rates and the maximum number of peers allowed to connect to the NSA.
Edit Click this to open the following screen where you can set the default folder location where
you “Put incomplete downloads in” and “Move complete downloads to”:.
• Share - Select the destination share from the drop-down list.
• Path - This field displays the share folder’s path. You can use Browse to find or create
a folder on the NSA or type the location of the folder using forward slashes as branch
• Current Location - This is the location of the selected folder.
• Folder Name - Enter a new folder name and click to create it.
• Type - This identifies the item as a folder or file.
• Name - This is the name of the folder/file.
Select a folder. If you don’t select a folder, a forward slash (/) displays in the Path field.
All contents within the specified share are automatically selected.
Click Apply to save your settings and Cancel to close the screen.
Apply Click this to save your changes.
Cancel Click this to return to the previous screen without saving.
Table 63 Applications > eMule > Task: Add