Chapter 12 Auto Upload
Media Server User’s Guide
Add Click this to open the following screen where you can set a folder that contains files you
want the NSA to automatically upload.
• Share - Select the share from the list.
• Path - Type the folder location in the share directly or click Browse to open the
following screen and navigate to the folder’s location.
• Current Location - This is the location of the selected folder.
• Folder Name - Enter a new folder name and click to create it.
• Type - This is the type of the folder/file.
• Name - This is the name of the folder/file.
Select a folder. If you don’t select a folder, a forward slash (/) displays in the Path field.
All contents within the specified share are automatically selected.
Click Apply to save your settings and Cancel to close the screen.
Grace Period Specify how long the NSA should wait when you add a new file for auto upload. For
example, if you set the grace period to 5 minutes, the NSA uploads a new file after it
has been in a watched folder for 5 minutes. You can choose from a range of 1 to 10080
minutes (up to one week).
Bandwidth Limit Enter the maximum upload rate for auto upload. You can choose from a range of 0 to
100,000 KB/s. Enter 0 if you do not want to set any limit.
Use this to leave bandwidth on your network connection for other traffic, especially if
your Internet connection has restricted upload speed.
Apply Click this to save your changes in this section.
Reset Click this to restore previously saved settings.
Close Click this to return to the previous screen without saving.
Table 96 Applications > Auto Upload > FTP Uploadr > Preferences (continued)