Chapter 2 NAS Starter Utility for NSA221, NSA310, NSA320, and NSA325
Media Server User’s Guide
folder. For folders of files you are prompted to choose the target destination. The zPilot icon shows
the transfer rate.
Figure 10 zPilot Showing Transfer Rate
Double-click the zPilot icon to display status details about the file transfers. Select an entry and
click Pause, Resume, or Remove to control the transfer. After the transfer finishes you can select
the entry and click Open Destination Folder to see the file on the NSA. Click Clear Completed to
clear completed transfers from the list.
Figure 11 zPilot Transfer Details
2.7 Network Drive
In the main NAS Starter Utility screen click Network Drive to add the NSA as a network drive in
your computer’s Windows Explorer.
Enter your user name and password and click Login to be able to add the NSA’s shares to which
you have access as network drives. Otherwise select Guest and click Login to be able to add the
NSA’s public shares as network drives.
Figure 12 Login
Select a share on the NSA and the drive letter on your computer to which you want to map it. The
shares that each user can select to map depends on the user’s permissions. For example, if share1
is private to user1, then only user1 is allowed to map share1. The table displays the NSA shares
that are already mapped to drive letters on your computer. After you click Apply you can see the