Chapter 10 Applications
Media Server User’s Guide
select policies for downloading and deleting the channel’s items. Section 5.11 on page 111 provides
a tutorial on adding a broadcatching channel.
Figure 117 Applications > Broadcatching > Add Channel
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 51 Applications > Broadcatching > Add Channel
Subscribe to
Channel Feed
Paste (or type) the URL of the feed for the channel to which you want to subscribe into this
field. This is read-only in the Preferences screen.
Note: Make sure the link goes to the actual RSS feed instead of to another list of links or
information about the channel.
One way to test this is by clicking the link. Clicking an actual RSS feed link opens a screen
of XML code (in browsers without an RSS feed aggregator) or a window where you can add
the RSS feed (in browsers with an RSS feed aggregator).
Download Policy Set which of the channel’s items the NSA downloads.
Download All Items: Download every file in the feed.
Download Only New Items: Download new files from today on.
Manually Choose Items for Download: Only download individual files you select later
in the Broadcatching screen.
Delete Policy Set how the NSA handles deleting the items downloaded from the channel.
Manual: Only delete individual files you select later in the Broadcatching screen.
Keep last N of items: Select this to set the NSA to only keep a number of the channel’s
most recent files. When this number has been reached, if the NSA downloads another file
from the channel, it deletes the oldest file from the NSA.