Chapter 17 Shares
Media Server User’s Guide
17.4.2 Configuring Recycle Bins
In the Sharing > Shares screen, click Recycle Bin to open the following screen.
Figure 200 Sharing > Shares > Recycle Bin
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
17.5 The Share Browser Screen
Use this screen to create folders, upload files, and edit files within the share.
Figure 201 Sharing > Shares > Share Browser
Table 108 Sharing > Shares > Recycle Bin
Clean Recycle Bin every N
Specify how often you want to clear the contents in all recycle bins. The specified
days correspond to how long a file has been stored in a recycle bin. For example,
if you set the interval to be 3 days, recycle bins will clean up items deleted or not
accessed for 3 days.
Note: Cleaning up recycle bins permanently removes the files from the NSA.
Clean all recycle bins now Click this to immediately remove contents from all recycle bins.
Apply Click this to save your changes.
Cancel Click this to return to the previous screen without saving.