Before beginning the realtime recording process, first you
must choose a song location from within Song Play Mode,
by pressing [F2] ( Seq ). Then, press RECORD to enter
record standby mode. Next, determine the time signature,
quantize factor, tempo value and click status. (If you want
to start recording from a particular measure, then specify
the measure number). Finally, you will need to determine
how the newly recorded data will be recorded to the track.
REPLACE - Pressing [F7] ( Rplc ) designates replace
recording status. In replace recording, notes you record
will replace the data previously in the track. After
recording, the track will contain only the new data, and
the previous data will be effectively erased. When
recording in an empty track, then designate replace.
(NOTE: If step recording has been selected then replace
recording will not engage.)
OVERDUB - Pressing [F6] ( Over ) designates overdub
recording status. In overdub recording, notes you record
will be added to the data already in the track. After
recording, the track will contain both the previous as
well as the and new data. (NOTE: If step recording has
been selected then overdub status will engage automati-
PUNCH-IN - Pressing [F8] ( Pnch ) designates punch-
in recording status. In punch-in recording, you can re-
record a particular series of measures that you specify in
the From To fields of the punch-in display. During
punch-in recording, notes you record will
previous data in the specified measures.
To choose the measure you want the punch-in process to
begin from (i.e., the punch in point), position the cursor
over the left field and enter the measure number. To choose
the measure you want the punch-in process to finish at (i.e.,
the punch-out point), position the cursor over the right field
and enter the measure number.
After engaging RECORD RUN, the actual recording process
will only occur during the specified From and To
measures. (NOTE: Depending on where the punch-in point
is, most times you ll probably want to begin the song from a
few measures before the punch-in point, in order to play
along with the part to get ready for the punch-in record-
ing, rather than from the beginning of the song, or from the
punch-in point itself.)
ALL TRACKS - Pressing [F4] ( AllTr ) designates that
all tracks are to be recorded at once. You will use the All
Tracks function when recording MIDI data in realtime
from an external sequencer.
After preparing for realtime recording, press RUN. A two-
measure count-in will commence, after which recording
from the designated measure will begin. When you ve
finished recording, or want to stop in process, press STOP/
NOTE: The word Quantize will disappear when you press
RUN to Start realtime recording.
NOTE: If you initiate any event during the two-measure count-
in like pressing a key on the keyboard or moving a controller
such data will be recorded at the top of the song.