The operations you perform in Song Multi Play Mode go
hand-in-hand with the sound mixing process, since besides
assigning voices, you ll be selecting tracks and accessing the
sections, or blocks , on the mixer which contain the
parameters volume, pan, System Effect sends, etc.
whose settings you ll need to modify. Primarily you use the
CURSOR-LEFT and CURSOR-RIGHT keys to specify the
track whose parameters you want to access, and CURSOR-
UP and CURSOR-DOWN to access the mixer sections, or
parameters, and the JOG, INC/DEC and KEYPAD to change
NOTE: Pressing a TRACK button will select the track, and
automatically place the cursor within that track on the mixer.
With that track still selected, you can use CURSOR-LEFT and
CURSOR-RIGHT to specify another track, so that you can adjust
parameters of another track that s playing back from the
sequencer while you are performing a live part.
SONG MULTI SCREEN - The Song Multi Play screen
is designed to let you quickly access all functions and
parameters in the multi, as well as give you ample visual
feedback as you work. This is the W7 s basic operating
home screen.
The sound mixer as displayed in the LCD is actually
only a partial view, since the mixer is made up of several
sections, and in effect extends beyond the top of the
screen! The black up- or down-arrows at the far left side
of the screen indicate that other parameters are acces-
sible, by using the CURSOR-UP or CURSOR-DOWN
The diagram below shows the mixer as it would appear
in its entirety, complete with other visual information in
and functions accessible from the Song Multi Play
function screen.
Displays a visual gauge of the available memory left.
Used memory portion will be indicated in black. This is
always displayed, regardless of selected mode or
function screen.
Displays the currently selected song memory number
(01 ~ 16) and the song name. You cannot select a song
from the Song Multi Play function screen. To select a
different song, you must first press [F2] ( Seq ), and
then select the song from the Song Sequence Play
function screen.
(Ch 1 ~ 16)
Displays the MIDI channel number of the currently
selected track. Since each track of the 16 tracks corre-
sponds with each MIDI input channel, this number
represents both MIDI channel input number and
selected track number.
(G, P, I, S, E*, GD, PD, ID, SD, ED*)
Displays the one-letter (for normal voice) or two-letter
(for drum voice) code that represents each voice bank.
(* NOTE: E and ED will display only if the optional
Expansion Wave/Voice Board has been installed.)
VOICE NUMBER (001 ~ 128) / NAME
Displays the currently selected voice number and name
in the voice bank.
VOICE SELECT (Voice Category)
Voice Select is the first section, or stop , in each of the
16 mixer channels, represented graphically by the two-
letter Voice Category code of the voice currently
assigned to the track. The cursor must be positioned at
Voice Select before you can choose a voice to assign to
the track. To access Voice Select, use the CURSOR-
DOWN key.
NOTE: You can modify a particular parameter for all tracks
at once by holding down SHIFT while modifying the
parameter. All value changes will be realtime to the setting
in each track unless you use the KEYPAD, in which case all
value will be entered as the same.