SHIFT NOTE - Pressing [F6] ( Shft ) accesses Shift
Note, which lets you
a specified note number to
another note number, over a specified range of measures
in the selected tracks.
SELECT TRACKS (1 ~ 16) - Press the TRACK
buttons of the tracks that you want the note shift
applied to.
MEASURES (001 ~ 999) - Specify the first (left
field) and last (right field) measures of the range of
measures which you wish to shift.
FROM NOTE (C-2 ~ G8) - Specifies the specific
note to shift.
TO NOTE (C-2 ~ G8) - Specifies the new note that
the specific note will become.
EXECUTE - To execute the operation press ENTER.
NOTE: Shift Note is particularly useful when control-
ling a drum machine from the W5/W7 s sequencer, since
most drum machines play specific sounds for each note.
(For example, shifting all D#2 notes to F#2 might
change all snare hits to hi-hat hits, depending on the
instrument/note table for the drum machine.)
CRESCENDO - Pressing [F7] ( Cres ) accesses Cre-
scendo, which lets you create a gradual change in note-
on velocity over a specified range of measures in the
selected tracks, to let you achieve an effect of crescendo
or diminuendo.
SELECT TRACKS (1 ~ 16) - Press the TRACK
buttons of the tracks that you want the crescendo
applied to.
MEASURES (001 ~ 999) - Specify the first (left
field) and last (right field) measures in the range of
measures over which you wish to create a crescendo.
RANGE (-99 ~ +99) - Specifies the final change in
velocity which will be reached at the end of the
crescendo or diminuendo.Starting at the beginning
of the first measure you specify, note-on velocity will
gradually be modified until the increase or decrease
specified by the range is reached at the end of the
last measure. Settings of +1~ +99 will result in a
crescendo. Settings of -l ~ -99 will result in a
EXECUTE - To execute the operation press ENTER.
NOTE: Each note event in a track has a note-on velocity
which indicates the force with which the note is played.
The velocity value of each note is limited to a range of 1
~ 127, and the velocity values resulting from this
operation will not exceed these limits. If a voice has not
been programmed with velocity sensitivity, the velocity
value of the note-on message will have no effect on the