the Amplitude envelope generator (AEG) parameters,
from within the Amp parameters function, press [F8]
ATTACK/HOLD (-63 ~ +63) - Position the cursor
over the Attack/Hold value field and use the JOG,
INC/DEC or the KEYPAD to determine the attack or
hold offset of the AEG. (Which parameter appears
on the display depends on the selected element.)
The attack and hold mode offset affects the initial
attack of the sound, determining how the amplitude
envelope begins. In elements which utilize the
mode, the envelope begins from zero level, reaching
the maximum AWM level at a rate determined by
the attack setting. In elements which utilize the
mode, the envelope begins immediately from
maximum AWM level, allowing the fast attack
transients of waveforms to pass unaffected. The hold
setting of the attack determines the length of time
the envelope reaches maximum volume level,
between the beginning of the envelope and the point
at which the envelope begins to move towards
Decay 1.
DECAY 1 (-63 ~ +63) - Position the cursor over
the Decay 1 offset field and use the JOG, INC/DEC
or the KEYPAD to determine the length of time of
the first decay of the sound, between the maximum
level and Decay 2.
DECAY 2 (-63 ~ +63) - Position the cursor over
the Decay 2 offset field and use the JOG, INC/DEC
or the KEYPAD to determine the length of time of
the second decay of the sound, between Decay 1 and
RELEASE (-63 ~ +63) - Position the cursor over
the Release offset field and use the JOG, INC/DEC
or the KEYPAD to determine the amount of time it
takes for the sound to reach zero volume after the
key is released.
TIME RANGE (x 1, x 2, x 5, x 10, x 20, x 50) -
Pressing [F3] selects the time range of the EG
graphic display, where x 1 displays the shortest
time in the most detail.
SEGMENT (Seg 1 ~ 3, Koff, Rel) - Pressing [F4]
selects the particular segment of the EG which is
TEMPLATE TYPE (00 ~ 39) - See Level, above.
The EG will function in two ways, depending on the Attack
or Hold mode.
Mode = attack
Attack Decay 1 Release
Key on Key off
Decay 2
In attack mode the EG level will begin from 0 and rise to its
maximum level as determined by the attack setting. When
maximum level is achieved the sound will start decaying
and move at the rate of the Decay 1 setting. When Decay 1
is achieved the sound will move at the rate of the Decay 2
setting to zero. (If the Decay 2 rate is 0 or less, the sound
will move at an infinitely slow rate toward zero, i.e., it will
sustain at Decay 2 as long as the key is pressed.) When you
release the key, the level will move towards zero at the rate
of the Release setting.
Mode = hold
Decay 2 Release
Key on Key off
Decay 1Hold
In hold mode the EG level will begin at maximum level and
stay there for the duration of the specified Hold setting.
When the hold time has elapsed, the level will change and
move according to the Decay 1 setting. When Decay 1 is
achieved the sound will move at the rate of the Decay 2
setting to zero. (If the Decay 2 rate is 0 or less, the sound
will move at an infinitely slow rate toward zero, i.e., it will
sustain at Decay 2 as long as the key is pressed.) When you
release the key, the level will move towards zero at the rate
of the Release setting.
Hold mode is especially effective with elements which
include a strong attack, since keeping the level at maximum
for a while allows the natural attack of the AWM sample to
be heard. After the natural attack is over the AWM wave-
form will continue sustaining, and you can use the remain-
ing EG parameters to create an appropriate decay and