OFF - The selected song will stop at the end
after playing back once.
LOOP - When the selected song reaches the last
measure it will automatically return to the first
measure and keep playing until the sequencer
STOP/TOP button is pressed.
CHAIN STOP - When the selected song reaches
the last measure it will stop, the subsequent song
memory will automatically be selected and
prepared for playback i.e., waiting for you to
press RUN on the sequencer.
CHAIN PLAY - When the selected song reaches
the last measure the subsequent song memory
will automatically be selected and begin playing
from measure one, without a pause.
CHAIN CONTINUE - When the selected song
reaches the last measure the subsequent song
memory will automatically be selected and begin
playing from measure one, without a pause;
however, any changes in mixer or other settings
made during playback of the previous song will
be maintained, i.e., the next song s own param-
eter offset settings will be ignored.
MIDI CONTROL (off, on) - For determining
whether the W5/W7 will receive/transmit ( on ) or
will not receive/transmit ( off ) the following types of
MIDI messages: sequencer start, continue, stop
reception and transmission; MIDI clock transmis-
sion; song position pointer reception.
SYNC (internal, MIDI) - For determining the
timing source which will control the sequencer, i.e.,
whether the W5/W7 s internal sequencer will run
from its own clock or from an incoming MIDI sync
INTERNAL - The W5/W7 s own sequencer
clock will determine the tempo.
MIDI - MIDI clock messages received at MIDI
IN i.e., from an external MIDI sequencer or
rhythm machine will determine the tempo.
TRANSPOSE (-63 ~ +63) - To set the overall pitch
of the W5/W7 in half-steps, use the JOG, INC/DEC
or the KEYPAD.
CONTROLLER ON/OFF - To determine which
controller will be active in the zone, position the
cursor over AT (aftertouch), PB (pitch bend),
MW (modulation wheel), Sus (sustain), FV
(foot volume), or FC (foot controller) and turn it
on or off with the JOG or INC/DEC.
The abbreviation represents on status for each
controller. Two dashes represent off status for each
OTHER SETUP - Pressing [F8] ( Other ) accesses the
Other Setup parameters, Next Song, MIDI Control, Sync
and Transpose.
To select an Other Setup parameter, use the CURSOR-UP
and CURSOR-DOWN keys. To change the parameter, use
the JOG or INC/DEC.
NEXT SONG (off, loop, chain stop, chain play,
chain continue) - Lets you play song sequences back in
the numeric order of the song memory bank (1 ~ 16),
i.e., consecutively, one after another, starting with the
currently selected song. The Next Song setting deter-
mines whether or not the subsequent song will play, and
under what condition.
Next Song is especially useful when you re composing a
song and have located different parts of the song in
different song memories. Ultimately you ll assemble all
the parts into one song location, but before you get to
that stage, Next Song lets you play the parts back one
after another, without pausing, in order to hear them in
the context of the entire song.