Teledyne API - T100 UV Fluorescence SO2 Analyzer Troubleshooting & Service
Figure 12-10: UV Lens Housing / Filter Housing
4. Remove the lens/filter cover.
5. Carefully remove the PMT lens and set it aside on soft, lint-free cloth.
6. Remove the 3-piece, lens/filter spacer.
7. Carefully remove the PMT filter and set it aside on soft, lint-free cloth.
Figure 12-11: PMT UV Filter Housing Disassembled
8. Using a lint-free cloth dampened with distilled water, clean the lens, the filter and all
of the housing assembly mechanical parts.
9. Dry everything with a 2nd lint-free cloth.
10. Reassemble the lens/filter housing (refer to Figure 12-11 and Figure 12-10).
Use gloves and a clean plastic covered surface during assembly.
Cleanliness of the inside of the light shield, the UV lens filter housing and
the PMT lens is especially important.
Note Ensure to apply Loctite to the four lens holder screws and the two light
shield screws.