SDA 601 Serial Digital Analyzer User Manual
are the primary means of monitoring the integrity of the
transport layer.
Timing reference signals in digital video systems (four words
long). Defined, for component systems, in SMPTE 125M.
Process by which digital signals are converted to lower
resolution. The least significant bits (as many as necessary) in
each sample are “stripped,” or simply ignored. In digital video,
10-bit samples may be truncated for compatibility with 8-bit
Utility Menu
The “catch-all” menu of the SDA 601 in which seldom-used
configuration and diagnostic utilities are found. Selected by
Lock Out down while pressing ON.
video missing
Reported by the SDA 601 in both Analyze and Monitor modes
when the EAV and SAV are absent from the digital signal.
The SDA 601 operating mode for monitoring selected
characteristics of the input signal. User may set alarms to trigger
on error conditions. Explained in detail beginning on page 16 of
this manual.
Watch Group
In the SDA 601, a collection of related signal characteristics or
“conditions” that, for convenience, may be selected for
monitoring when the Watch menu is set to Group Select
(through the Utility menu).
See digital word.
zero-length ANC
Reported by the SDA 601 when an ancillary data “Data Count
word” with value Ø is detected.