SDA 601 Serial Digital Analyzer User Manual
ØAPCRC (zero active picture CRC)
A CRC created by an encoding process in which the last five
active video words in the last full line of active video are altered
so that the active picture CRC is exactly zero.
A commonly used term for a component digital video format.
The details of the format are specified in the CCIR-601 standard
document. The numerals 4:2:2 denote the ratio of the sampling
frequencies of the single luminance channel to the two color
difference channels. For every four luminance samples, there are
two samples of each color difference channel. See CCIR-601.
Informal name for a digital audio standard established jointly by
the Audio Engineering Society and European Broadcasting
Analyze is pressed the SDA 601 locks to the incoming
signal (if possible) and monitors it for one second. The status of
a predefined set of signal characteristics (“conditions”) may then
be read on the instrument LCD—and the OSD, when an external
video monitor is used.
ancillary (ANC) data
Auxiliary, non-video data that is inserted into any portion of the
data stream that is not occupied by timing reference signals or
video data. Component digital signals may have ancillary data
in both the vertical and horizontal interval portions of the signal;
composite may have only it only in the horizontal. Described in
Ancillary data may include up to 16 channels of digital audio as
well as the calculated checkwords (CRCs) and error information
flags (EDH flags) that are used in verifying the integrity of the
digital signal and locating the source of any faults.