SDA 601 Serial Digital Analyzer User Manual
The connector pinout has been chosen to interface directly with an
IBM PC/AT 9-pin serial port using a straight-through cable. A simple
ribbon cable may be adequate.
For logging errors and printing reports, a “null-modem” cable may
be required, depending on the pinout of the printer connector. Con-
sult your printer manual to determine compatibility.
Because of space limitations on the connector end of the SDA 601,
you may have to insert a 9-pin adapter between the cable and the
connector. If the cable has a female end, use a male/male adapter
such as ITT Cannon p/n 111805–1.
RS-232/Printer Setups
Set the printer to software flow control (XON/XOFF), if possible.
Specify 60 lines per page (in the Utility/Printer Setup submenu) for
most printers using 8.5 x 11.0 inch paper.
Set the Baud rate and Parity—through the Utility/RS-232 Setup sub-
menu—to match the printer. When in doubt, set Parity to None.
Using the Watch Mode
Here are some notes and hints regarding the use of the SDA 601
Watch mode to verify the integrity of Serial Digital Video signals.
Format Error Checking
Format error checking is normally useful for verifying that equip-
ment has been designed to conform the various signal format and
interface standards. Format errors should not be routinely present. If
a signal is being altered by transmission errors, then there is a proba-
bility that resulting bit errors will cause some format errors which
are detectable by the SDA 601.
The SDA 601 monitors some specific format error conditions, and if
format errors occur in at least three video lines in a single field, this
is evidence of signal transport errors.
The format errors that may be used to indicate the likelihood of
transport errors are: