Operating Basics
SDA 601 Serial Digital Analyzer User Manual
Audio and Stuck Bits explained — Audio content and stuck bits are
reported on the LCD and Printer output in the same format as in the
OSD, shown in Figure 6:
The “Audio:” result line has room to display the status of all 16
audio channels that can be embedded in digital video. The status
of channels (#1 through #16, from left to right) are reported as
“–” for no audio detected, “A” for active audio, and “M” for
mute (present, but silent).
The “Stuck Bits:” line shows the status of the 10 possible video
word bits, MSB to LSB left to right. If the signal contains any
stuck bits, they are indicated by an H (stuck high) or L (stuck
low) in the appropriate position. The two LSBs will be reported
as L when an 8-bit video signal is received. Other stuck bits sug-
gest either an incorrect signal or faulty equipment.
Zero-length ANC — is reported by the SDA 601 when an ancillary
data “Data Count word” with value Ø is detected. Analyze mode
detects the presence of zero-length ANC because it can be inserted in
the serial digital video data stream by some equipment, yet it can
cause difficulty in many systems.
Watching a Signal
While Analyze takes a one-second “snapshot” of the input signal and
reports the status of a predefined list of characteristics, Watch mode
permits continuous observation of the characteristics—or “condi-
tions”—of your choice. Besides reporting errors to the instrument
display and the OSD, Watch mode can also sound an audible (“beep”
or “tick”) alarm to alert you of any error, and log errors to a printer
for later review.
The steps to monitoring a signal with the SDA 601 are:
1. Select the conditions to be watched. This is done through the
Watch menu, which can be set for “Group” or “Item” selection of
conditions. Group selection may be more convenient, but not as
flexible as Item selection.
In all, there are 20 Watch conditions. Eight conditions are always
watched and reported when “Watch Menu Type” is set—through
the Utility menu—to “Groups”: