SDA 601 Serial Digital Analyzer User Manual
Appendix A: Characteristics
The information in this section is included for the convenience of the
SDA 601 operator. For a full list of instrument specifications, as well
as performance verification and adjustment procedures, please see
the SDA 601 Service Manual (Tektronix p/n 070-8914-
NOTE. Shielded cables were used in the EMI certification of this
instrument; therefore, it is recommended that shielded cables be used
when operating. (EC 92)
Safety Standard Compliance
The following safety standards apply to the SDA 601:
H ANSI S82 — Safety Standard for Electrical and Electronic Test,
Measuring, Controlling, and Related Equipment, 1988.
H CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 231 M89 — CSA Safety Requirements for
Electrical and Electronic Measuring and Test Equipment.
H IEC1010-1 — Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for
Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use (1990).
H UL1244 — Standard for Electrical and Electronic Measuring and
Testing Equipment, Second Edition (1980).