SDA 601 Serial Digital Analyzer User Manual
values, and filter characteristics for both Y, B–Y, R–Y and RGB
component digital television.
Least significant bit.
Most significant bit.
multiplexer (mux)
Device for combining two or more electrical signals into a
single, composite signal.
Non return to zero. A coding scheme that is polarity sensitive.
O = logic low, 1 = logic high.
Non return to zero inverse. A video data scrambling scheme that
is polarity insensitive. O = no change in logic; 1 = a transition
from one logic level to the other.
OSD (on-screen display)
In the SDA 601, a 12 line, 24 column character display that may
be superimposed on the AUX output and viewed on an attached
video monitor. For convenient review of Analysis results and
Watch status.
The smallest distinguishable and resolvable area in a video
image. A single point on the screen. In digital video, a single
sample of the picture. Derived from the words picture element.
preset, Presets Menu
In the SDA 601, the current instrument configuration may be
saved as a preset for later recall. Presets are saved and recalled
through the Presets Menu.
pulse cross
An SDA 601 AUX output mode that allows the user to “see” the
horizontal and/or vertical intervals, which are normally blanked