SDA 601 Serial Digital Analyzer User Manual
Recommended practice for bit parallel digital interface for
component video signals. SMPTE 125M defines the parameters
required to generate and distribute component video signals on a
parallel interface.
Recommended practice for “Error detection checkwords and
status flags for use in bit-serial digital interfaces for television.”
It defines the APCRC, FFCRC, and EDH flags as well as the
ancillary data packets that contain them.
The SMPTE recommended practice for bit parallel digital
interface for composite video signals. SMPTE 244M defines the
parameters required to generate and distribute composite video
signals on a parallel interface.
The SMPTE recommended practice for 525 line serial digital
component and composite interfaces.
stuck bit
A bit in the video sample words that has the same value (0 or 1)
for the entire active picture region of at least one complete field.
A stuck bit may indicate a defective component in the digital
video system “upstream” of the SDA 601.
A transmission procedure by which the bit and character stream
are slaved to accurately synchronized clocks, both at the
receiving and sending end.
sync word
A synchronizing bit pattern, differentiated from the normal data
bit patterns, used to identify reference points in the television
signal; also to facilitate word framing in a serial receiver.
transport layer
Having to do with the transmission path from a digital video
generator to the receiver. The FFCRC, APCRC, and EDH flags