Operating Basics
SDA 601 Serial Digital Analyzer User Manual
however, there may be fewer than one alarm per error condi-
h Short Beep — One second duration; otherwise similar to the
Long Beep.
h Beep “Tick” — A very short beep, almost a tick; useful when
there are many alarm conditions, when they occur in “bursts,”
or for audible feedback when performing equipment adjust-
ments for proper operation.
H A Printer Port alarm, output on the RS-232 port. There are two
ways to use the printer during watch sessions:
h Log each error — or as many as the printer buffer allows.
Intended for extended monitoring of the signal when few, if
any errors are expected. You can leave the SDA 601 (powered
by the AC adapter) and a printer unattended to log and help
diagnose intermittent problems. This is the same as the audi-
ble alarm in that, once configured, it can be controlled with
Alarm On/Off key.
h Print an error report every ten seconds — Strictly speaking,
this option is not an alarm because when it is selected, the
instrument will print a report every ten seconds of the Watch
session whether an error has been detected or not, and re-
gardless of the Alarm On/Off state (set with the key or
through the menu). The print line will contain at least the
time and video format; only errors that occurred in the pre-
ceding ten-second interval will be printed.
Select alarm conditions or errors through the Watch menu (see
“Watch Mode,” above). Conditions that will always trigger an alarm
if detected by the SDA 601 in Watch mode are:
No PLL Lock
Video Missing
“Other” ANC Data
Illegal Value
Video Ovr Range
Line/Field Len
ANC Format Error
Zero Length ANC
AP CRC change