Unit 4: Printer Configuration
GL408-412e Operator’s Manual
Determines the method of setting the Label Length.
• Enable - factory default. Label length will be determined by the ^LL command if it is present.
If the ^LL command is not present, it will be based on the Label Length value in the Quick
Setup or Media Control menu.
• Ignore - label length as determined by the ^LL command is ignored.
• Disable - label length will be determined by the Label Length value in the Quick Setup or
Media Control menu.
The ^LS command specifies a horizontal offset to be added to all label element positions. The
Left Position option displays the value specified by the ^LS command and provides an alternative
method for specifying the horizontal offset.
The factory default is 0 dots.
The valueof this option specifies a vertical offset to be added to all label element posiotns in dots
per inch. For example, if the value is 3 and the current form length is 6 inches, then 18 dots will be
added to the element’s vertical position.
The allowable range is -100 to +100 dots/inch, and the factory default is 0 dots/inch.
The ^JM command determines the apparent print resolution of the printed label.
• Full - factory default. The output is printed normally. The Resolution mode option displays
and selects the current setting associated wit the ^JM command.
• Half -
if selected by the ^JM command, the printed output of a 300 dpi printer
matches that printed by a 150 dpi printer (half resolution). This essentually doubles
the size of the label image, including label dimensions.
Allows the vertical adjustment feature to be enabled or disabled.
• Disable - factory default. Vertical density adjustment will not take place.
• Enable - is active and will use the Vertical Density value selected.
If Vertical Adjust is enabled, this option allows to fine tune the vertical print density (in the paper
motion direction) on printers with 203 or 300 dpi print heads. The result is that the vertical posiiton
and height will be changed accordingly. Selecting a greater vertical density value causes the
image to compress or expand vertically on the label.
• 203 DPI - the allowable range is 201 to 220 dpi, and the factory default is 207 dpi.
• 300 DPI - the allowable range is 301 to 330 dpi, and the factory default is 300 dpi.
This command saves the printed label image by name for later recall as part of a label definition
and determines the internal format to be used. The storage location is determined by the option
selected in the Storage Select menu.
• List Format - factory default. Used for most applications due to its greater efficiency of data
• Bitmap Format - used in applications that frequently recall the saved label image. Results in
greater print speed.
Field Block Width Adjustment. This command allows the user to increase or decrease the width
of field block from the field block command ^FB, so the text line in the block can be broken at a
different word.
The allowable range is -100 to +100 dots, and the factory default is 0 dots.
Top Position
0 dots/inch*
Vertical Density
207 dpi*
IS Label Fmt
List Format*