Unit 4: Printer Configuration
GL408-412e Operator’s Manual
Allows dynamic data to be truncated up to the maximum data length specified in Create mode.
• Disable - factory default. If the dynamic data exceeds the maximum data length, an error will
• Enable - if the dynamic data exceeds the maximum data length, the data truncates.
Allows adjustment of the printer’s dpi (dot per inch) to expand or shrink the vertical position of
graphic elements and the height of the vertical line.
The allowable range is -20 dots to +20 dots with respect to the current printer dpi.
The factory default is 0 dots.
Allows setting the error reporting capability of the printer for PGL forms.
• On - factory default. Full error checking reported. Any element that falls off the current page
is reported as an error.
• Debug Mode - places the printer in debug mode whenever a form is defined in Create mode.
Each line of the create form will be printed along with an error if one has occurred.
• Fault - allows halting the printer if a PGL error occurs. The PGL error prints and the message
IGP/PGL Error displays on the operator panel. The printer then goes offline. The error must
be cleared before the printer can resume normal operation.
• Off - error checking is not performed. Graphic elements such as alpha. line, barcodes, etc.,
will be clipped if they are beyond the page boundries.
Turns the page boundry check on or off for all print elements.
• Enable - factory default. An out of bound error is reported if the print element is out of the
page boundry.
• Disable - an out of bound error is not reported. The out of bound print element prints over the
page boundry.
Selects whether the printer analyzes like data strings or not for faster throughput. If the host
forms are alike, with minimal variables changes, then enabling will increase performance. If not,
then enabling will only slow the process down.
• Enable - factory default. Increases the processing speed of repeated forms for PGL, thereby
resulting in increased printer throughput. This option does not provide benefit for forms that
are unrelated to one another and are to be disabled under those circumstances.
• Disable - select when subsequent forms are unrelated to each other.
Allows selection of which preparser command to use. Once the command is selected, the
command will be executed immediately when it is sent to the printer.
• Status - factory default. Select (STCC) STATUS command.
• Cancel - select (STCC) CANCEL command.
Allows selection of which port to send the Preparser command to the printer.
• Disable - factory default. Not using Preparser command.
• Parallel - the parallel port (including attached ethernet card).
Allows the user to map the parameter DISK.
• DISK = EFC - factory default. Expanded memory cartridge.
• DISK = PCB Flash - flash board.
Storage Select