Unit 4: Printer Configuration
GL408-412e Operator’s Manual
Allows setting the IGP/PGL feature so that it is enabled or disabled when the printer is powered
• Enable - factory default. The IGP/PGL is enabled when the printer is powered on. The PGL
feature is initialized in the Normal mode.
• Disable - PGL is disabled when the printer is powered on. The PGL feature is initialized to
the Quite mode.
Ext Execute copy
• Disable - factory default. Dynamic data, overlay data, etc., are not allowed if the optional
Form Count parameter (number of forms printed) is specified as part of the Execute
command. This setting is IGP-100 compatible.
• Enable - dynamic data, overlay data, etc., are allowed within a form where the Form Count
parameter is specified in the Execute command. In this case, the same form is printed for
whatever is the Form Count. Incremental data is not incremented since the printing page is
the same. The overlay data is only printed with the first form and not on subsequent forms,
and each form is printed on a separate page.
This option is designated for EAN/UCC-128 barcodes whose application idenitfier (AI) is 00.
• Disable - factory default. The printable data field is printed with the AI enclosed in
• Enable - the printable data field is printed with the UCC fields separated by spaces. This
option is IGP-X00 compatible.
Select Shift Out Character. Allows to specify a decimal code from 0 throgh 255 to be used in
place of Shift Out as the control code which allows access for the alternate set of control function
The allowable range is 0 to 255, and the default is 14.
This parameter instructs the IGP to ignore the character selected under the Select Character
• Disable - factory default. The IGP does not ignore any characters.
• Enable - the IGP ignores the character specified in the Select Character menu.
Select Character. This parameter selects which character to discard when Ignore mode is
The allowable range is 0 to 255 (in decimal), and the default is 0.
Determines whether the printer, with media already set at the top-of-form position, will advance
media to the next top-of-form position upon receipt of an FF command.
• Enable - factory default. The printer will advance media from the presnt top-of-form position
to the next top-of-form position upon receipt of an FF command.
• Disable - The printer will not advance media form the present top-of-form position to the next
top-of-form position upon receipt of an FF command.
Allows printing of characters in different sizes with specified parameters and to select which font
face to use.
• Scalable - factory default. Uses scalable fonts.
• Block - uses block fonts.
• Alt. Block 1 - uses alternative block fonts with a different character set.
Ext Execute Copy