Technical Alarm Messages (INOPs) 4 Patient Alarms and INOPs
Numeric is replaced by -?-
RESP The monitor has detected too many artifacts in the measured
Resp signal. Check that the RA and LL electrodes are correctly
attached and have not dried out.
Numeric is replaced by -?-
INOP tone.
RESP Not all the required leads for Resp monitoring are attached.
Make sure that the RA and LL leads are attached.
Numeric is replaced by -?- for 10
seconds; INOP tone.
ECG The RL electrode has become detached from the patient or the
lead set has been changed. Reattach the electrode or select
Lead Setup
in the Setup ECG menu to confirm the
new lead set.
Settings Malfunc.
INOP tone.
Monitor The monitor cannot use the predefined settings for
monitoring. Contact your service personnel.
SOME ECG ALARMS OFF Arrhythmia This message appears (if configured to do so) when the on/off
settings of the yellow arrhythmia alarms differ from the current
Speaker Malfunct.
INOP tone
Monitor Contact your service personnel to check the speaker and the
connection to the speaker.
SPIRO MALFUNCTION Spirometry Module failure detected. Contact your service personnel.
SPIRO INCOMPATIBLE Spirometry Module revision not compatible with the host monitor
software revision. Contact your service personnel.
SPIRO UPGRADE Spirometry The module is running a firmware upgrade. Wait until upgrade
is completed before resuming monitoring.
SPIRO CANNOT MEAS Spirometry Measurement is at its limit, e.g. ambient pressure out of range.
SPIRO PURGE FAILED Spirometry The purge operation could not be completed successfully.
Check for kinked sensor tubings, hard occlusions and make
sure that the pump is running and all valves are switching.
SPIRO UNKN. SENSOR Spirometry An unknown sensor ID code was detected. Use only the sensors
listed in the Accessories chapter.
SPIRO ALARMS SUPPR Spirometry Alarming is suppressed for the spirometry module.
SPIRO PURGING Spirometry A purge operation is in progress - no data update on the screen.
Wait until purge is complete.
SPIRO NO SENSOR Spirometry No sensor detected. Make sure the correct sensor is attached to
the breathing circuit.
SPIRO NO BREATH Spirometry No breath was detected for more than 25 seconds. Breath
derived numerics are not available.
SPIRO GAS COMPENS? Spirometry Gas compensation is set to “gas analyzer” but not all gases
necessary for compensation are measured by a gas monitor.
Some of the fall-back values provided by the user are used.
Measurement accuracy might be reduced.
SPIRO PATIENT CAT. Spirometry Mismatch of patient size configured in the host monitor and
sensor type plugged into the module. Check the instructions
on selecting the correct sensor in the Spirometry chapter.
Numeric is replaced by -?-
Not all measurements or values required to perform the
calculation are available. Check measurement sources.
Numeric is replaced by -?-
The monitor has detected a conflict in the units used for this
calculation. Check the unit settings.
INOP Message, Indication Source What to do