Pausing or Switching Off Alarms 3Alarms
To Pause All Alarms
♦ Select the Pause Alarms permanent key. If your monitor is configured to
infinite pause time, the permanent key is labelled Alarms Off, and selecting it
switches alarms off.
♦ Or press the Alarms hardkey on the SpeedPoint or Navigation Point. The hardkey
follows the behavior configured for the permanent key.
To Switch All Alarms Off
You can only switch alarms off permanently if your monitor is configured to allow infinite alarms
pause and the permanent key is labelled Alarms Off.
♦ Select the Alarms Off permanent key.
♦ Or press the Alarms hardkey on the SpeedPoint or Navigation Point. The
hardkey follows the behavior configured for the permanent key.
Pausing alarms infinitely is the same as switching them off.
To Switch Individual Measurement Alarms On or Off
1 Select the measurement numeric to enter its setup menu.
2 Select Alarms to toggle between On and Off.
The alarms off symbol is shown beside the measurement numeric.
While Alarms are Paused or Off
• The red Alarms Paused lamp on the monitor front panel is lit.
In the alarm field, the monitor displays the message
Alarms Paused or Alarms Off, together with
the alarms paused symbol and the remaining pause
time in minutes and seconds, or alarms off symbol.
• No alarms are sounded and no alarm messages are
• INOP messages are shown but no INOP tones are
The only exceptions are the INOPs Battery/Batteries Empty, Battery/
Batteries Malfunction, Batt 1/2 Missing, and NBP Cuff Overpressure.
These INOPs are sounded even if alarms are paused or off.
• The nurse call relay is not active.
If a disconnect INOP is present and alarms are paused or switched off, the measurement in question is
switched off.