Operating and Navigating 1 Basic Operation
Using the Navigation Point
To use the navigation point, rotate it left or right. With each click, the highlight jumps to the
neighboring screen element. The element under the cursor is highlighted. When you reach the screen
element you want, press the knob to select the element.
Using a Mouse or Trackball
If you are using a mouse or trackball, select screen elements by clicking on them (press and release the
left mouse button). While you are moving the mouse, a cursor appears and a highlight shows your
current position.
Using Keys
The monitor has four different types of keys.
Permanent Keys
A permanent key is a graphical key that remains on the screen all the time to give you fast access to
1Silence - acknowledges all active alarms by
switching off audible alarm indicators and
lamps. Exact behavior depends on permanent
key configuration
2Alarms Off/Pause Alarms - pauses alarm
indicators. Exact behavior depends on Pause
Alarms permanent key configuration
3 Main Screen -
closes all open menus and
windows and return to the main screen.
4Back - takes you back one step to the previous
5 Navigation Point knob
Pause Alarms - pauses alarm indicators. Pause duration depends on monitor
configuration. If pause duration is infinite, this key is labeled
Alarms Off.
Select again to immediately re-enable alarm indicators.
Silence - acknowledges all active alarms by switching off audible alarm indicators and
Main Screen - close all open menus and windows and return to the main screen.
Main Setup - enter main setup menu.