Changing ECG Wave Gain 24 Recording
Select the name of the template you want to create or change. Each recording name is linked to a
recording type, delayed, alarm, realtime, and high res trends. Recording names can be changed in
the monitor’s Configuration Mode.
4 Design the template by selecting each menu item and entering the information for the template.
Recorder: choose which recorder the recording will print to (Local, Central 2-Ch. or Central 4-
Channels 1 - 4: choose which waveform to record in each channel. If the wave assigned to a
recording channel in a particular template is not available when a recording is triggered, the channel
is left blank on the recording strip. The pop-up list of available (currently monitored) waves differs
according to the recording type:
– Realtime, delayed and alarm recordings: the list shows all the currently available waves.
– High-resolution recordings: the list shows all the available high-resolution waves
In addition to the currently available waves, you can choose from several other settings which make
an automatic allocation when the recording starts:
Alarm Par will always record the measurement in alarm in the chosen recorder channel
– Primary Lead will always record the current primary lead in the chosen recorder channel
– Secondary Lead will always record the current secondary lead in the chosen recorder
– Agent will always record the currently selected anesthetic agent.
For high-resolution recordings only the Agent setting is available.
• Overlap: define whether the recorded waveforms will be printed overlapping or beside each other.
Speed: choose the recording print speed.
Delay Time: Delayed recordings start documenting on the recorder strip from a pre-set time
before the recording is started. This interval is called the “Delay Time” and can be set to 10 or 15
seconds. This setting can only be changed in Configuration Mode.
Runtime: see how long this type of recording is configured to run. This setting can only be changed
in Configuration Mode. Continuous recordings run indefinitely.
• Central Config - if available, select this setting to use the recordings settings set for the
centrally-connected recorder.
Changing ECG Wave Gain
The ECG Gain setting in the General menu defines how every recorded ECG wave, irrespective of
template or recording type, will appear on the recorder strip. This does not affect the displayed ECG
wave, or printed ECG reports. To change the ECG gain setting for recordings,
1 In the Setup Recording menu select General
2 Select ECG Gain.
3 Select the required setting:
Auto: the wave recording will use the same scale as the ECG wave on the monitor screen
5 mm/mV, 10 mm/mv, 20 mm/mV: the wave recording will use a scale of 5, 10, or 20
millimeters per millivolt.