3Alarms Visual Alarm Indicators
Visual Alarm Indicators
Alarm message: An alarm message text appears in the alarm status area at the top of the screen
indicating the source of the alarm. If more than one measurement is in an alarm condition, the message
changes every two seconds, and has an arrow ( ) at the side. The background color of the alarm
message matches the alarm priority: red for red alarms, yellow for yellow alarms, and light blue for
INOPs. The asterisk symbols (*) beside the alarm message match the alarm priority: *** for red alarms,
** for yellow alarms, * for yellow arrhythmia alarms. INOPs are displayed without asterisks.
Depending on how your monitor is configured, it may display alarm limit violation messages
• in text form, for example “**SpO2 LOW” or
• in numeric form, for example “**SpO2 94<96”, where the first number shows the maximum
deviation from the alarm limit, and the second number shows the currently set limit.
Flashing numeric: The numeric of the measurement in alarm flashes.
Bright alarm limits: If the alarm was triggered by an alarm limit violation, the corresponding alarm
limit on the monitor screen is shown more brightly.
Alarm lamp: A lamp on the monitor’s front panel flashes. This has the same color as the alarm
Nurse call systems: Alarm conditions are indicated on any device connected to the nurse call relay, if
configured to do so.
Audible Alarm Indicators
The audible alarm indicators configured for your monitor depend on which alarm standard applies in
your hospital. Audible alarm indicator patterns are repeated until you acknowledge the alarm by
switching it off or pausing it. or until the alarm condition ceases (if audible alarm indication is set to
WARNING Do not rely exclusively on the audible alarm system for patient monitoring. Adjustment of alarm
volume to a low level or off during patient monitoring may result in patient danger. Remember that
the most reliable method of patient monitoring combines close personal surveillance with correct
operation of monitoring equipment.
Alarm Tone Configuration
The audible alarm indicators of your monitor are configurable. In the monitor’s Configuration Mode,
you can:
• increase the alarm volume of unacknowledged alarms at regular intervals
• change the interval between alarm sounds (ISO/IEC Standard 9703-2 alarms only)
• change the base volume of the red and yellow alarm tones and the INOP tones
• change the alarm sound to suit the different alarm standards valid in different countries.