5 Managing Patients Care Groups
Viewing the My Care Group Window
This window shows the alarm status, bed name,
and patient name for every bed in the Care
The window for the Unit group (shown here)
shows first the beds of the Information Center
this bed is connected to. By selecting the
Information Center name you can display a list
of all Information Centers associated with the
Unit group, and select another Information
Center to view.
To enter the My Care Group window,
♦ select the Other Patients SmartKey, if
configured, or
♦ in the Main Setup menu, select My Care
Use the My Care Group pop-up keys to navigate
through the Care Groups:
My Unit lets you view a list of all the Information Centers in your Care Unit. Select an Information
Center to see a list of the monitors connected to it. Select any monitor to see the Other Patient
window for that bed.
Other Units lets you view a list of all the Care Units in your Care Domain. Select any Care Unit
to view a list of the Information Centers connected to it. Select an Information Center to see a list of
the monitors connected to it. Select any monitor to see the Other Patient window for that bed.
Alarming Beds lets you view a list of all beds in your care group with an unacknowledged
alarm. The beds are listed in order of alarm severity.
Care Group Symbols (used in the Care Group overview bar
and the My Care Group window)
This is a telemetry bed
This bed is on a wireless network
This bed is on a wired network
This is a “paired” bed, with a bedside
monitor and a telemetry transmitter
Beds From:
Room 2
Room 4
Bed 2
Bed 4
Bed 8
Room 1
Room 3
Room 5
Smith, Mary
Jones, Paul
Murphy, Sarah
Miller, John
Baker, Jane
Green, Liza
Scott, James
Black, Harald
My Care Group