Setting up Spirometry 15 Monitoring Airway Flow, Volume and Pressure
WARNING Safety and effectiveness of the respiration measurement method in the detection of apnea, particularly
the apnea of prematurity and apnea of infancy, has not been established.
WARNING If an apnea occurs during a zero calibration, the time delay between the start of apnea and the
activation of the apnea alarm could be up to 10 seconds plus the configured apnea delay time.
Automatic Alarm Suppression
If the automatic alarm suppression is switched on, all spirometry alarms are suppressed until breathing
activity has been detected. This setting must be made in configuration mode.
Choosing Measured AWV Components
1 In the Setup Spirometry menu, select AWV.
2 Select MV to choose the measured components for Minute Volume
(inspiratory and/or expiratory or off).
Select TV to choose the measured components for Tidal Volume
(inspiratory and/or expiratory or off).
NOTE If MV and TV are set to off, there will be no alarming for these parameters.
Setting the Gas Compensation Mode
1 In the Setup Spirometry menu, select Gas Compensation.
2 Select Mode to choose the Gas Compensation mode:
Manual for manually entered gas concentrations or
Gas Analyzer for gas concentrations from the gas analyzer.
NOTE • Gas concentrations from the gas analyzer are only available for Philips gas analyzers, not for devices
connected via the Vuelink module.
• If gas concentrations from the gas analyzer are selected but not all data is available, the missing data
is taken from manually entered values. In case of invalid data or no data at all, the INOP message
SPIRO GAS COMPENS? is displayed.
Changing the Type of Balance Gas
1 In the Setup Spirometry menu, select Gas Compensation.
2 Select Balance Gas to change the type of balance gas.
3 Select the appropriate setting (N
or N
Changing the Concentration of Inspired O
and the Inspired Agents
1 In the Setup Spirometry menu, select Gas Compensation.
2 Select Inspired O2 to change the concentration of inspired O
Select Inspired Agent to change the concentration of the inspired agent(s).