29 Respiratory Loops 289
Viewing Loops 289
Capturing and Deleting Loops 290
Showing/Hiding Loops 290
Changing Loops Display Size 291
Using the Loops Cursor 291
Changing Loops Type 291
Setting Up Source Device 291
Documenting Loops 292
30 Care and Cleaning 293
General Points 293
Cleaning 294
Disinfecting 294
Cleaning Monitoring Accessories 294
Sterilizing 295
Cleaning the Recorder Printhead (M1116B only) 295
Cleaning the Batteries and Battery Compartment 295
31 Using the Batteries 297
Battery Power Indicators 298
Battery LED 298
Battery Status on the Main Screen 298
Battery Status Window 300
Viewing Individual Battery Status 300
Recording Battery Status 300
Printing Battery Reports 300
Checking Battery Charge 300
Replacing Batteries 301
Optimizing Battery Performance 301
Display Brightness Setting 302
Charging Batteries 302
Conditioning Batteries 302
Unequally-Charged Batteries 302
Battery Safety Information 303
32 Maintenance and Troubleshooting 305
Inspecting the Equipment and Accessories 305
Inspecting the Cables and Cords 305
Maintenance Task and Test Schedule 306
Troubleshooting 307
Disposing of the Monitor 307
Disposing of Empty Calibration Gas Cylinders 307