
4.1. Address
Click "Address"
Enter the name of the destination state by clicking the letters of your choice. You can
enter the complete name of the state, the first letters or the short name.
Example: You can enter TEXAS, TEX or TX.
If the message "
No address matches your request. Please try a new search" appears,
OK and enter a new state name.
For more details, refer to "§ 4.7 - Notes and Tips".
Search to start a search after entering your search criteria or click Display all to
bring up a list of the states.
Back button returns you to the previous page and the Cancel button stops the
current search.
If there are several states that meet the criteria you specified, a list of states appears.
Click the direction arrows to view all the states found.
Click the state you want, or click
Change if you want to modify the search criteria. You
then return to the
Destination State page.