2 - 39 ELECTRON BEAM Window
This block allows you to turn the accelerating voltage on and off, and to set the probe current.
Fig. 2.3-25 Electron Beam Window
(1) Accelerating voltage selection box
To set an accelerating voltage, either enter a numerical value directly in this box or select a
desired value from a list that is displayed by clicking a pull-down menu.
(2) Accelerating voltage micro-adjustment button
By clicking the Up and Down arrows, you can adjust the accelerating voltage in 0.1kV
(3) Accelerating voltage ON/OFF button
This button turns the accelerating voltage on and off.
(4) Probe current selection box
You can set a probe current by either entering a numerical value directly in this box or
selecting a desired value from a list that is displayed by clicking a pull-down button.
(5) Probe current micro-adjustment button
By clicking the Up and Down arrows, you can adjust the probe current in 0.1 increments.
(6) Probe current setting slider
By moving the slider to the right or left, you can vary the probe current. In addition, by
clicking the side of the slider, you can adjust the probe current in 0.5 increments.
acc selection bo
acc micro adjustment button
acc ON/OFF button
Probe current selection box
Probe current micro adjustment button
Probe current setting slider