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If the processing is not completely finished, the following message appears. If this happens,
take appropriate action:
• Some of the captured images still need to be saved:
[There are unsaved images in the capture area. Do you want to save them?]
Click "Yes" to save. An Image Save dialog appears.
• The acceleration voltage is not shut off:
[OK to turn off HV?]
Click OK to exit.
(2) On the Windows task bar, click the Start button and select Shut Down.
(3) In the Shut Down dialog window, select Shut down the computer and click Yes.
(4) Wait until the message "It's now safe to turn off your computer" is displayed, or the power of
PC is shut down automatically.
(5) Turn off the key switch located on the front side of the main unit to turn off the power.
Caution: Wait until the power of PC is shut down automatically, or the message "It's now
safe to turn off your computer" is displayed. If the key switch is turned off before
the above condition, the power of PC will be shut off while the PC is running and
it may cause damage to its data or hard disk.
3.8.5 Termination Confirmation Items
When the key switch is turned off, the EVAC/AIR buttons on the EVAC Panel will blink
alternately. The power is shut off after the termination procedure for the evacuation system is
completed. Normally it takes approximately 10 seconds after the key switch is turned off and
before the power is shut off. If a problem occurs during the termination procedure for the
evacuation system, the power may fail to shut off after 10 seconds, in which case the main
breaker in the back of the main unit should be turned off. Also, the breaker in the back of the
main unit should be turned off if the system is to be brought down completely.
To restart the system, turn on the main breaker, and turn the key switch to the START position.
See <4.5 What to Do in the Event of a Power Outage or the System must be Shutdown
Completely for a Long Time>.