3.9 Other Functions
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3.9.9 Raster Rotation, Dynamic Focus and Tilt Compensation
(1) Raster Rotation
Scanning of electron beam can be rotated within a range of -200° to +200°, using the slider.
This allows observation of an image at the best orientation. Use the R. ROTATION window
on the Operation panel.
Fig. 3.9-23 R.ROTATION Window
To operate the Raster Rotation, check the R. Rotation box.
To select a rotation angle, move the slider, click the arrow buttons, or input an angle into the
angle indication box.
Also mouse operation on image can be used.
For operating procedures, see [ Mouse Operation of Stage on the Scanning Image
(12) Rotation adjust tool].
NOTICE: Image rotation caused by the objective lens magnetic field is compensated
automatically even when the above rotation angle is set at 0 or the R. Rotation box is
not checked. The scanning direction is kept to coincide with the direction of stage
movement by this function. If it is necessary to disable the automatic compensation,
set the WD-Rotation Link to off in the Optional Setup dialog window - General tab.
For normal operation, it is strongly recommended to enable the automatic
compensation function.
(2) Tilt compensation (Dynamic focus and Tilt magnification compensation)
When a specimen is tilted at a large angle, the field of view that can be focused is small
(particularly at low magnifications and at a short WD). Dynamic Focus function allows you
to focus the beam for the entire field of view. Dynamic Focus scans the focal length linked
with the scanning positions.
Also magnification along the tilting direction is lower than that in a non-tilting direction.
As a result, the image appears to be contracted in the tilting direction. The image can be
corrected so the magnification is accurate in all directions by using Tilt (magnification)
Use the TILT COMPENSATION block on the operation panel.