
6.4 CD Measurement Function (Option)
6 - 98
(6) Width & Pitch Auto Measurement
(a) Set the measurement type to W&P, measurement mode to Auto and measuring
direction to X or Y, then width and pitch can be simultaneously measured automatically.
(b) Click Set button on CD Measurement window. The auto measurement cursors will
appear. The measurement cursor box will be of a size set before in the measurement
Fig. 6.4-29 Width & Pitch Auto Measurement Cursors
(c) Drag the box using mouse so the edge to be measured will be enclosed in the box,
and set the position. The side where the "+" sign is located represents the width.
(d) Align the cursor with the part to be measured as in auto measurement, click the
Measure button and then the measured results will appear as in Fig. 6.4-30.