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3.9.2 Split Screen and Dual Mag Mode
In the split screen/dual mag mode, the screen can be split two ways to display dissimilar signal
images, such as a secondary electron image and a backscattered electron image on the right
and left screens (split screen). It is also possible to enlarge a part of the left screen to display it
on the right screen (dual mag). This feature can be used in both Full and Small modes.
Selecting Split DM Mode from Scan menu brings up the Split/Dual Mag controller. Selecting
the specific magnification rate under which the image is to be observed split the screen into right
and left sections, and displays images enlarged 1x, 4x, and 8x on the right side.
Fig. 3.9-7 Split/Dual Mag Controller
(1) Split screen mode
Clicking the x1 button displays dissimilar-signal images at the same magnification on the
right and left split screens. By selecting input signals under this condition, it is possible to
display images based on different signals on the right and left.
Input signals can be selected and set by bringing up a Setup field using the Detector.
Fig. 3.9-8 Enlarged Display of Detector Settings
(2) Dual mag mode
Clicking either the x4 or x8 button causes a part of the left screen to be enlarged 4x or 8x
and displayed on the right screen. The area to be enlarged is displayed in a box in the left
image. By dragging the box, it is possible to specify the specific area to be enlarged.